striped glasses

Don’t you just dig these?  I found these at a shop in Green Bay and had to have them!   They are a little stronger (+1.25) than my others, so I thought they’d work well for beading, because I think there’s a conspiracy among the bead makers and they’re sizing them smaller than they used to!   I love the stripes, and the red…well, anything red attracts me as if I was a hummingbird. 

They aren’t sparkly, but they’re fun and attention-grabbing, which is what they all must be if I must wear reading glasses.  And I must.  Stay tuned for the cool folding pair I got for my purse…



Karen and I got together to do art again tonight.  Actually I made jewelry and she strung the beading on her daughter’s bridal veil.  We had to laugh and preserve for posterity the picture of us in our “cheaters”…did we ever laugh!  We’ve been making art together since we were teenagers, and when we get together we still act like them! 

Even if our eyes aren’t what they used to be…!

Make Sure To Sparkle!

March 13, 2009


I finally had to surrender to the inevitable…I need reading glasses.  I’ve been fighting it for awhile now, but I put on a pair of the lowest “cheaters” and WOW!  It was no longer so difficult  to read.  All the letters were larger and clearer.  Figures it took me until my last semester of college to accept this!…all those headaches and all that eye strain for nothing! Not to mention how much easier it’s going to be to make jewelry…I will be able to see the small bead holes again!

Aren’t my new glasses cool?  I only paid $18, but they make me feel better than a lot of the checkout counter pairs.  I’m going to get a whole wardrobe of them and put them everywhere.

So, even though I’m bowing to the inevitable changes by accepting this, I have a new motto.  If life gives you reading glasses, make sure they sparkle!