I am speechless at someone’s creative brilliance.  I wasn’t looking for anything in particular, just blog hopping, when I came across this post by Ali Edwards on her blog.

 What a brilliant idea of how to cherish those beautiful Christmas cards sent to us and all the wonderful photos!  I have to admit to being stumped as to how to save the sentiment…now that problem is solved!

I have noticed that the number of actual cards is dwindling, while e-cards and letters are increasing.  I’m not judging – my cards haven’t been sent out yet! – but I do value the time and effort (and expense) friends and family put into the cards, not to mention all the family pictures and letters.  This scrapbooking idea pays homage to the efforts of the senders and helps to cherish the Christmas spirit for many years to come.

Stop by Ali’s blog – it’s full of wonderful ideas on preserving memories.  I know you will get great ideas, too!



I’m excited to be a part of  The Ultimate Blog Party this year!  I don’t know a lot about it since it’s my first year, but I am happy I get to learn while meeting lots of other bloggers.

Join the Virtual party!

It has become a tradition in the “momosphere.” It is the perfect event to build your network and have some serious blogging fun, all without stepping away from your machine…

The blogging life is about relationships — meaningful friendships that grow out of sharing who we are and getting to know one another.

And like real life friendships, online friends need a place to meet and mingle. So if you want to grow your network, meet new friends or promote your site, get ready for the Ultimate Blog Party 2009!!!

Click on the button on the top right to join the party now!



I found a fascinating and fun website tonight and I wanted to share an article I enjoyed with you.

10 Ways to Infuse Your Work With Your Personality

1. Document what you are responding to regularly. *journal/sketchbook, blog, listmaking, photo journal, bulletin board collage, internet bookmarks, Allow yourself to go deeper into an idea. Find influence outside of your field. Consider that you are ALWAYS working for yourself.

2. Start to challenge yourself on a regular basis to try new things, (not just for work. *i.e. new foods, colors, processes, classes, travel, become a guerilla artist, etc. Your hobbies are your greatest source of play.)

3. Go back to your childhood, (the formative years). What were your favourite things to do? In this lies some clues as to where you want to focus your energy as an adult. What makes you burst with energy?

4. Do something that is not for money. For your own enjoyment. (Your greatest work will come from here!)
-x-mas card
-product concept
-gifts for friends.
Design for yourself. *See handout on guerilla art.

5. Use sources that are based on your daily life. Your life IS your art. What are the things that are most important in your current life?

6. Become a collector. Collecting allows us to look at one thing in a contemplative & mindful way. Giving you new insights and perceptions. Examples: Maria Kalman -purse contents, Steven Guarnaccia -shoe sole
rubbings, Ian Phillips & Grant Heaps -Lost & Found pet posters, Mark Ulriksen (former art director) -misspellings of his name, Charles & Rae Eames -toys from other countries

7. “Pay no attention to the man behind that curtain.” Ignore what other people are doing. It has no bearing on your existence or vision of the world. The times we feel the most discouraged are usually due to the fact we are comparing ourselves to others. Most times reading awards annuals, and industry mags only serves to make us feel inadequate. Try cutting it out entirely. Designer Bruce Mau recommends not entering awards competitions. His reasoning, “Just don’t do it, it’s not good for you.”

8. Don’t promote to target your audience. By all means send things out into the world, but don’t think in terms of “promoting to get work”. Send stuff out because -you’re proud of it, -you want to share something with the world, -it’s fun to get mail, -to have good karma, -you want to spread your germs, -you like licking stamps. Try sending a postcard of something you made for fun, (i.e. directions on how to make a finger puppet). When thinking of subject matter for promotions look to your current life. If you deal with topics that are important to you a piece will have much more life to it.

9. Take a lighthearted approach (Don’t take yourself too seriously). If you feel stuck, you can always reinvent yourself, (re: try something else).

10. Study other artists or creators who followed their own vision. Research.

 In response to #10, check her out at www.kerismith.com/blog/